
Gertrude Elizabeth Potter Hendricks received her bachelor’s degree in 1928 and a master’s degree in 1931 from The Ohio State University.

Mrs. Hendricks was a lifetime-certified home economics teacher, Ohio. Recipient award Mahoning chapter National Council Catholic Women, 1966, Centennial award Ohio State University, 1970, award AARP, 1990; Gertrude E. Hendricks scholarship established at Youngstown State University, 1970

A lifetime of service

The scope and dedication of Gertrude Hendricks in serving the families and community of Youngstown was quite extraordinary. Her dedication to serving Youngstown went far beyond the Family Life Education Program.

State supervisor women’s projects Works Projects Administration, Columbus, Ohio, 1935-1940. District home management superintendent Farm Security Administration, Mansfield, 1940, regional specialist home management and nutrition Indianapolis, 1940-1942. Director Child Care Centers, Youngstown, Ohio, 1943-1946.

Family Life Education Program

Gertrude Hendricks used her education and expertise in family relations, child care and development, parent education, home management and consumer education to develop and implement an educational program to improve and enrich the lives of families.

The educational series in the family life program included studies and classes in child care and growth, child and adolescent psychology, sex education, family relations and activities, health and nutrition, health and safety, family finance, consumer education, marriage, and homemaking. The programs continually evolved over the years to address the changing and diverse needs of the families and of the community. 

The time and energy she invested to improve and enrich the lives of families was quite extraordinary. The preservation of her files has provided a unique source of information on the day-to-day and year-to-year work of a home economist, family life educator and working mother from the Depression years to the 1970’s.

Gertrude Hendricks was able to establish a family life education and home management program as prescribed by professional and governmental studies and recommendations. The program benefited the entire community, yet there were many obstacles to getting the job done.

She was the sole employee of the family life education department from 1947 to 1962. She did not have clerical or secretarial help and had to attend to these duties in addition to developing, coordinating, and supervising a community-wide program. An average day found her attending a morning, noontime, afternoon and evening session. She was also responsible for all other operating study groups and workshops providing support, speakers, leaders, supplies, and literature. In addition to providing the materials and supplies for the meetings, some days found her driving teachers and participants to and from classes as well as ordering, purchasing and delivering supplies and materials.

In the summer she taught college classes; served on various state and national task forces; and made home visits. In addition to the regularly scheduled classes and meetings she spoke at groups across the community; held over 300 individual conferences a year; and continually found ways to promote participation (e.g. announcements, flyers, and media announcements). Gertrude Hendricks coordinated the highly successful, filled-to-capacity annual family life institutes and youth conferences.

When Gertrude Hendricks was seeking a position with the Farm Security Administration to get experience working with rural low-income families, this is the information she shared:

Worthington High School (1920-24)
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (1924-1928)
Major: Home Economics (Vocational Certification); Bachelor of Science, 1928.
Merrill Palmer School, Detroit, Michigan, Spring Quarter 1927.
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (1928-1931)
Child Development and Parental Education; Master of Science, 1931


1928-1931 School of Home Economics, Ohio State University

Graduate Assistant – Child Development


The Village Pre-School (Upper Arlington Area) Columbus, Ohio

A Parent Cooperative – Head Nursery School Teacher

1931 Owner-Operated Nursery School – ½ day session
1935   Nov. WPA Youngstown – Assistant Supervisor, Sewing Project

1931 Married Oscar Hendricks – 2 children (William and Robert)
1935 Widowed 

1936   Feb. WPA Warren, Ohio – District Supervisor Women’s and Professional Projects with Headquarters at Warren, Ohio for Ashtabula, Lake, Trumbull, Geauga, and Portage Counties
1936   Sept. WPA Columbus, Ohio – State Supervisor (Home Economics Consultant) Women’s Projects – Sewing, School Lunches, Housekeeping Aides.
1939   Sept. U. S. Department of Agriculture – Farm Security Administration

Home Management Supervisor for Logan County (300 case load), Bellefountain, Ohio.

1940   Feb. U.S. Department of Agriculture – District Home Management Supervisor

Headquarters in Mansfield, Ohio for Erie, Sandusky, Richland, Huron, Seneca, Crawford, Medina, Holmes, Wayne and Lorain Counties

1940   Sept. U.S. Department of Agriculture – Regional Home Management and Nutrition Specialist, Headquarters, Indianapolis, Indiana for Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri – 5 midwestern states

World War II started. Resigned to accept position so I could spend more time with my children.

1942   Sept. Youngstown Public Schools – Home Economics Teacher – Rayen High School
1943   May Director Child Care Centers for Working Mothers [war plants] – Youngstown Public Schools
1946   Apr. World War II ended, then returned to Rayen as a Home Economics Teacher
1947   Sept. Director, Family Life Education – Youngstown Public Schools and Department of Psychology, Youngstown State University, Instructor – Marriage
1952-1957 Executive – Hospital Care Fund Agency – Community Chest
1957-1959 WKBN (CBS) Ch. 27 “Home Cooking” with Peg Hendricks 30 min. (live show)
1959-1961 Executive – Hospital Care Fund Agency – Community Chest
1963 U.S. Office of Education, Washington, D.C. – Manpower & Home Economics

Prepared and executed Pilot Program for Training Child Care Aides (16 weeks – 480 hours)

1967 U.S. Office of Education, Home Economics Division, Penn State, Home Economics Dept. Co-Sponsor. Task-Force “Poverty, the Role of the Home Economists” One of 40 selected representative from the States.
1968 U.S. Office of Education, Home Economics Division Rutgers University – Co-Sponsor. Task Force “Home Makers, Home-Health Aide”

One of 32 selected representatives from the States including Hawaii


1969 State Dept. Vocational Education – Home Economics. Section – Columbus, Ohio

Ohio University Home Ec. Dept., Athens, Ohio Co-Sponsor, Task Force – “Consumer Homemaking” Part III Vocational Education Amendment 1968, Title I on Vocational Education, Part F. One of 12 selected persons. Suggested Pilot Program Areas

1970 As a Task Force Representative and Director of a Pilot Program returned to Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. Representatives from all Pilot Programs compiled Curriculum Manual for “Consumer Education for K-12”
1970   June Consultant depicting low-income areas (telling it how it really is) for National Research Conference on “Consumer and Homemaking Education Center for Vocational and Technical Education,” Columbus, Ohio
1950 – 1968 Consultant for several Health Education Workshops directed by Miss Florence Hellman – Head of Health Education Department, Kent State University.

University Instructor
Malone College, Day Care Aide Training, 1972
Instructor Marriage Psychology Youngstown State University 1947-1975
Consultant Health Education Workshops, Kent State University 1950-1968

Professional Activities and Organizations

President of Youngstown Home Economics Association
President Youngstown Quota Club (Women’s Classified Service Organization)
President – Delta Kappa Gamma – Mu Chapter

Executive Board Member of NCFR
Executive Board Member, President and Treasurer for OCFR
Executive Secretary of Youngstown Family Life Council

District Chairman for Home and Family Living Committee
Chairman for Family Life Education in Community Section of NCFR
Chairman – Co-Chairman Marriage and Family Life Committee
Chairman Mahoning County Legislative Committee
Chairman of Nominating Committee for NCFR
Chairman of Ohio Vocational Association
Chairman One-Parent Family Committee and Annual Weekend Conference

Director of Annual Family Life Institute
Director of Annual Youth Council

Program Council, N.E.O. Conference, Methodist Church United, Akron District

Consultant – Ohio Federation Women’s Clubs – Home and Family Living Committee
Consultant, Consumer Committee for Labor – Youngstown Area CIO-AFL
Consultant – Family Life Committee – Greater Youngstown Area P.T.A.

American Home Economics Association
Ohio Home Economics Association
Youngstown Home Economics Association
Committee on Aging – Ohio Home Economics Association
Committee on Child Development and Family Relations
Committee for establishing Governor’s Commission on Status of Women
Family Life Committee
Groves Conference
Ohio Home Economics Association
Ohio Council on Family Relations
National Council on Family Relations
National Education Association
Youngstown Educational Association
Ohio Educational Association
American Vocational Association
Ohio Vocational Association
Standards Committee for Day-Care Centers – State Dept. of Welfare
Committee on Higher Education
Youngstown Council of Churches
Dioceses of Youngstown, Department of Education


1964  January Received Youngstown Federation of Women’s Clubs Award for Outstanding Community Service
1966  November Received the National Council of Catholic Women – Mahoning Deanery Award for outstanding contribution to the Betterment of Family Life in the Greater Youngstown Area.
1967  May Received Ohio Federation of Women’s Club’s Award for Outstanding Community Service
1970 February Life Membership in P.T.A. by Taft Unit
1970 June Graduate Scholarship at Youngstown State University for study in Family Life Education known as the Gertrude E. Hendricks Scholarship.
1970 November Centennial Celebration, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Received one of 10 Distinguished Service Awards in the field of Home Economics Education awarded by Centennial Committee for Vocational-Technical Education

Dr. George A. Bowman, President Emeritus, Kent State University
Dr. Dwight Arnold, Chairman Guidance Dept., Kent State University
Professor Pauline Botty, Head Department of Sociology, Youngstown State Univ.
Dr. Genevieve Delfs, M.D, 3025 Market Street, Youngstown, Ohio, 44507
Judge Charles P. Henderson, Probate Court, Mahoning County Court House, Youngstown, Ohio, 44503 (Past President Youngstown Family Life Council)
Rev. John I. E. Buchanan, Program Council, East Ohio Conference, Methodist Church United, 251 E. Mill Street, Akron, Ohio, 44305
Bishop James A. Malone, Diocese of Youngstown, 144 W. Wood Street, Youngstown, Ohio, 44503