
Gertrude Elizabeth Potter was born on Feb 23, 1907 to May Rogers (related to Roy Rogers) and Caleb Franklin Potter in Worthington, Ohio.

Gertrude was the first of  3 children.  Gertrude, her brother, Clarence and sister, Dorothy, were raised on a farm in Worthington, Ohio.  Daily chores included milking cows, feeding horses and cleaning stalls, feeding chickens, thanking them for the fresh eggs and taking care of their coop.


Peg attended Worthington High School, where she met and dated the superintendent’s son. He took Gertrude’s initials flipped her initials, GEP,  around to PEG.  Peg is the nickname stuck with her through the rest of her days.

Caleb Potter (Peg’s father) believed in educating all his kids, not just the boys. Peg was admitted to Ohio State and majored in education.  

During her time at Ohio State University, she was active in her sorority and made many friends.   Peg met the love of her life, Oscar Hendricks, who was studying to be a science teacher.   Oscar brought a great deal of joy to Peg’s life.   They married after graduating Ohio State University.  Peg continued to pursue her advanced degree, unusual for women in those days, and received a Master’s in Home Economics.

Other lifelong friends included: Dr. Heulen PHD (Uncle Bill’s middle name), superintendent of the Youngstown school systems, Dr. Gene Delphs, aka Aunt Gene, family physician and Dave Williams, Chemist and businessman.


Worthington High School (1920-24)

Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (1924-1928)
Major: Home Economics (Vocational Certification); Bachelor of Science, 1928.

Merrill Palmer School, Detroit, Michigan, Spring Quarter 1927.

Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (1928-1931)

Child Development and Parental Education; Master of Science, 1931

Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Hendricks